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Karīmābādād-e Tehrānchī, Iran

Full Name: Karīmābādād-e Tehrānchī

Non-Roman Name: كَريمابادادِ تِهرانچی

Primary Country Code: IR (Iran)

First-order administrative division code: 26 (Tehrān )

Region Font Code: 4 (Russia/ Central Asia)

Unique Feature Identifier: 244323

Unique Name Identifier: 518343

Latitude in decimal degrees: 35.5113

Longitude in decimal degrees: 51.5672

Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 35° 30' 41" N

Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 51° 34' 02" E

Military Grid Reference System coordinates: 39SWV5143429895

Joint Operations Graphic reference: NI39-03

Feature Classification: P (Populated place type feature)

Feature Designation Code: PPL (populated place)

Populated Place Classification: 5

Second-order administrative division code: No data

Population Figures: No data

Elevations: No data

Secondary Country Code: No data

Name Type: V (Variant or alternate name)

Language Code: fas (Persian)

Substitute for full name: No data

Descriptive part of the full name: No data

A form of the full name that allows for alphabetical sorting of the file into gazetteer sequence: KARIMABADADETEHRANCHI

Full Name with QWERTY characters: Karimabadad-e Tehranchi

Modify Date: 2007-12-04

NOTE: The information regarding Karīmābādād-e Tehrānchī in Iran on this page is published from the data supplied by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, a member of the Intelligence community of the United States of America, and a Department of Defense (DoD) Combat Support Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Karīmābādād-e Tehrānchī information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Karīmābādād-e Tehrānchī should be addressed to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

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