SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

P 14e-1 - P'allyung-ni

P'alma-dong - P'arhang-ni

P'arhung - P'i-t'ou Shan

P'i-t'ou - P'ing-k'eng-tzu

P'ing-k'ou-shih - P'o-dong

P'o-dong - P'u-chiang-ch'eng-kuan-chen

P'u-chiang-hsien - P'unggok

P'unggong-ni - P'yong-ch'on

P'yong-ch'on - P'yongji-ri

P'yongji-ri - P.W. Railway Main Line

P - P51 Tank

, Pasgah-e Marzi-ye Kar Kush - Pa'in Ishkuh

Pa'in Jadeh - Pa-ka

Pa-ka - Pa-t'ung-kuan Climbing Refuge

Pa-t'ung-kuan Shan Hsi-feng - Paal V

Paal VI - Paasberg

Paasbergen - Pabenice

Pabenice - Pabuaran

Pabuaran - Pacana Cuevas

Pacana - Pacean

Pacean - Pacheco School (historical)

Pacheco School - Pacific Beach High School

Pacific Beach Middle School - Pack Rat Mine

Pack Rat Reservoir - Paclavan

Paclavice - Pacunganha

Pacuni Pampa - Pad' Shirokaya

Pad' Shirokaya - Padan Chaung

Padan Chaung - Padangkami

Padangkantori - Paddeby

Paddec - Padeng

Padeng - Padinska Suma

Padinski Potok - Padretsevo

Padrewari Bhit - Padvareci

Padvareliai - Paegun

Paegun - Paekhyon

Paekhyon - Paen Mak Khaeng

Paen - Paezeriai

Paezeriai - Pagari

Pagari - Page Spring

Page Spring - Paget Island

Paget Island - Pagra

Pagrabini - Pahala Hammillewa Wewa

Pahala Hammillewa - Pahautea

Pahautea - Pahneh Kala

Pahneh Kola - Pai-ch'eng-tzu

Pai-ch'eng-tzu - Pai-mao

Pai-mao - Pai-ts'o-chiao-tzu

Pai-ts'o-chiap - Paijejaure

Paijenils - Pain

Pain-Kala - Paint Pot Crater

Paint Pots - Paipainina Point

Paipala - Paiumaa

Paiunco - Pajangan

Pajangan - Pajkovo Brdo

Pajla - Pak River

Pak Sanghar - Pakarklys Antrasis

Pakarklys I - Pakhangyi

Pakhaniekop - Pakis Satu

Pakis Wetan - Paklavayam

Paklay - Paksok-kogae

Paksok-kogae - Pal'cha

Pal'che - Palacha

Palachcholai Estate - Palaiochorion

Palaiochorion - Palam

Palam - Palangah

Palangakh - Palasah Kulon

Palasah - Palavecino

Palavedu - Palco

Palco - Palenque

Palenque - Palestine Church

Palestine Church - Palhazapuszta

Palhazapuszta - Palimban Point

Palimban River - Palisades Beach

Palisades Bench - Paljika

Paljika - Pallas-Yllastunturi Kansallispuisto

Pallas-Yllastunturi National Park - Pallja

Pallja - Palm Lakes Park

Palm Lakes Plaza - Palma

Palma - Palmarito Arriba

Palmarito Barrio (inactive) - Palmeira

Palmeira - Palmer Mountain

Palmer Mountain - Palmetto Cemetery

Palmetto Center Heliport - Palmillas

Palmillas - Palmyra American Church

Palmyra Atoll - Palo Bobo

Palo bobo - Palo Verde Main

Palo Verde Mesa - Paloma

Paloma - Palos Altos

Palos Altos - Palpur

Palpur - Paluangan

Paluapokuna - Palusao

Palusapig - Pamar Northeast

Pamar - Pamelele

Pamelhof - Pamo

Pamo - Pampa Cascachane

Pampa Cascajal - Pampa de la Gallina

Pampa de la Hacienda - Pampa Dolores

Pampa Domingo Puquio - Pampa Lagunillas

Pampa Lagunita - Pampa Redonda

Pampa Redonda - Pampahuasi

Pampahuasi - Pampoenpoort

Pampoensland Rivier - Pan de Azucar

Pan de Azucar - Pan-hua

Pan-i Chaung - Panagama

Panagama - Panama Middle School

Panama Migratory School (historical) - Panarosan Kaler

Panarosan Kidul - Panban

Panbang - Pancho Arellano

Pancho Cabrera - Pandake Khushk

Pandake Khusk - Pandasan Island

Pandasan Plain - Pandisili

Pandisuddan - Pandygan

Pandza - Pang Nyim

Pang Pachiha - Pangam

Pangam-dong - Pangch'uk-tong

Pangch'uk-tong - Panggung Kulon

Panggung Satu - Pangititan Island

Pangiz - Pangkat 1

Pangkat 2 - Pangomaty

Pangombusan - Pangul

Pangul-gogae - Panic Field Windmill

Panic Rock - Panique

Panique - Panjauti

Panjavaara - Panjunan

Panjunan - Panna Maria Tailings Pond

Panna Maria - Panombean 5

Panombean Baru 1 - Panqueva

Panqui - Pantai Emas

Pantai Estate - Pantano Grande

Pantano Gubugubo - Pantego Junior High School

Pantego Post Office - Panther Creek

Panther Creek - Panther Run

Panther Run - Pantsirovka

Pantsov Rut - Panyaweuyan

Panyaweuyan - Pao-an-ts'un

Pao-an-ts'un - Paofai

Paofangwan - Papaanui

Papaanui - Papani

Papani - Papegaaibeek

Papegaaiberg - Papini

Papinig Bay - Pappelwerder

Pappenberg - Paqe

Paqola - Paraca

Paraca - Paradela

Paradela - Paradise Creek

Paradise Creek - Paradise Valley Community College

Paradise Valley Community Hall - Paragpur

Paragram - Paraj Brdo

Paraja - Param Island

Param Island - Paramo Las Tapias

Paramo Las Tapias - Parana Lavadeira

Parana Macuera - Paranpur

Paranpur - Parasmian

Parasmya - Parawella Falls

Parawen - Parcelamiento Palmira

Parcelamiento Palo Blanco - Pardesivil

Pardesiya - Pareid

Pareiduwa - Pargny-Resson

Pargny-sous-Mureau - Paridan

Paridar Abolhasan - Paris Ditch

Paris Division (historical) - Parish Governing Authority District 3 (inactive)

Parish Governing Authority District 3 (inactive) - Parishs Store (historical)

Parishville Center - Parit Johari

Parit Jong Lee - Parit Sempadan

Parit Sempang - Park Avenue Christian Church

Park Avenue Christian Church - Park Gate

Park Gate - Park Plateau

Park Plaza Hospital - Park View School (historical)

Park View School - Parker Bridge

Parker Bridge - Parker Island

Parker Island - Parker

Parker - Parkinson Bjerg

Parkinson Cemetery - Parks Road

Parks Run - Parkview Park

Parkview Park - Parkwood

Parkwood - Parmetkaoja

Parmetta - Paroli

Parolise - Parque Nacional Cogorron

Parque Nacional Constitucion de 1857 - Parrish Chapel

Parrish Church - Parshai

Parshai - Parsons Pond

Parsons Pond - Partido de Mercedes

Partido de Merlo - Partusovo

Partutovice - Parve

Parveh - Pasa Ancha

Pasa Atas - Pasakoy Mahallesi

Pasakoy - Pasar Kacang 1

Pasar Kacang 2 - Pasay Point

Pasay River - Pasco

Pasco - Pasgah-e Entezami-ye Pol-e Simareh

Pasgah-e Entezami-ye Qaleh Mirabad - Pashakhvan

Pashakhvan - Pashtranj

Pashtresh - Pasinankrajan

Pasinanlemahpoetih - Pasir Gajahngambung

Pasir Galumpit - Pasir Niang

Pasir Nininini - Pasir Tjidjegkol

Pasir Tjigagak - Pasirdjambu

Pasirdjati - Pasirkaung Dua

Pasirkaung Satu - Pasirnangka Dua

Pasirnangka Girang - Pasirtjangkudu 1

Pasirtjangkudu - Paso Aguara Cua

Paso Aguas Calientes - Paso de Diego Perez

Paso de Diego - Paso de Piedra

Paso de Piedra - Paso el Rey Number 3 Colonia

Paso El Roble - Paso Mazangano

Paso Mbutu - Paso Santa Teresa

Paso Santiago - Pass Cemetery

Pass Cemetery - Passagem do Carro

Passagem do Furinho - Passe de Matu

Passe de Mingan - Passi-Gayen

Passi-Passi - Passoro

Passos das Pedras - Pastoreo

Pastoreo - Pasuram

Pasurbania - Pata

Pata - Patakunya

Patal Kili - Patar

Patar - Patchway

Patchwood - Paterongan Dua

Paterongan Satu - Pathiraja

Pathirajamulla - Patim

Patim - Patlaya

Patlayevka - Patos Spring

Patos Velhos - Patrick Elementary School

Patrick F Gavin Middle School - Patru Case

Patru Frati - Patten Fork

Patten Free Library - Patterson Island

Patterson Island - Pattinigama Wewa

Pattinigama - Patu Mission

Patu Patu - Patyris

Patys - Pauhtegak

Pauhu - Paul Henry School

Paul Herring Lake - Pauley Cemetery

Pauley Cemetery - Pauls Creek

Pauls Creek - Paup Group

Paup Hamlets - Pavel

Pavel - Pavlo-Grigor'yevka

Pavlo-Ivanovka - Pavlovka

Pavlovka - Paw Paw Branch

Paw Paw Branch - Pawlowicze

Pawlowicze - Paxot

Paxot - Paya Besar

Paya Beureubam - Payachaung

Payachaung - Payat

Payatampa - Paymaster Dam

Paymaster Gulch - Payne

Payne - Payton Hole

Payton Hollow - Paziemkelys

Pazienza Park - Pēpē‘ōpae

PB Ditch - Pbeaaye Airport

PC Ditch - Pcselich

PD and C 5 Water Well - PDR Knoll

Pe Branco - Peabody Magnet High School

Peabody Memorial Home - Peace Valley School

Peace Valley School - Peachtree Branch

Peachtree Branch - Peak-a-boo Rock

Peak-Hornsby Cemetery - Pearce Creek Disposal Area Lake

Pearce Creek - Pearl Todd Baptist Church

Pearl Townhall - Peary Park

Peary Place - Pebble Beach

Pebble Beach - Pecan Lake Gas Field

Pecan Lake - Pechersk

Pechersk - Peck Medical Center

Peck Memorial Church - Pecuh

Pecuhe - Pederna

Pedernal Arroyo - Pedra d' Agua

Pedra d' Arca - Pedregal

Pedregal - Pedro Julio

Pedro Ledesma - Pee Dee State Designated Tribal Statistical Area

Pee Dee State Park Lake - Peerenboom

Peeri - Pegg Canyon

Pegg Creek - Pegunungan Pading

Pegunungan Paleleh - Pei-chen

Pei-chen - Pei-liao Fishing Harbor

Pei-liao Kuo-hsiao - Pei-t'ou Huo-ch'e-chan

Pei-t'ou Industrial Area - Peinhnebin

Peinhnebin - Pejaten

Pejaten - Peke

Pekebangan - Pekunden Timur

Pekunden - Pelang

Pelang - Peleloan

Peleloho - Pelhrimov

Pelhrimovy - Pelimbe

Pelimbelimba River - Pellen

Pellen - Pelsonsuo

Pelsonsuo - Pematang Labu

Pematang Langkat - Pembroke Church

Pembroke City Hall - Pen'kovo

Pen'kovo - Pena Foradada

Pena Forte - Penanes Bajo

Penanes - Pencarsari

Pencarsari - Pendem

Pendem - Pendowo

Pendowo - Peng-shan-k'eng

Peng-shan-k'eng - Pengjiadawan

Pengjiadawu - Pengwu

Pengwu - Peninsula Cancha Rayada

Peninsula Cangrejos - Penitas

Penitas - Penn High School

Penn High School - Penninginranta

Penningkeisen - Pennsylvania State University Capital Campus

Pennsylvania State University Center - Penon Gordo

Penon Gordo - Pentako Ef

Pentakomia - Pentecostal Lighthouse Church

Pentecostal Lighthouse Church - Peny

Peny-bawan - Peoples School (historical)

Peoples School (historical) - Pepic Mahala

Pepic - Peppin Canyon

Peppin Canyon - Peral

Peral - Perbaungan

Perbaungan - Percydale

Percys Peak - Perdow Kuh

Perdreau - Pereiro

Pereiro - Pereogeethe Lake

Pereorki - Pereval Armyanskiy

Pereval Arnavad - Pereval Igoreva

Pereval Igyndya - Pereval Lekhzyrskiy

Pereval Leshkuri - Pereval Suaryk

Pereval Suasu - Perevisy

Perevizskaya Balka - Perhentian Beluru

Perhentian Bertam Baharu - Pericotepec

Pericotepec - Peristeri

Peristeri - Perke

Perkebunan Aek Loba Timur - Perkins Place

Perkins Place - Perlez

Perlhof - Pernambut

Pernamo Hill - Perovo

Perovo - Perroi i Flames

Perroi i Flumes - Perry Cemetery

Perry Cemetery - Perry Parks Mine

Perry Parks Placer Mine - Perryville Industrial Park

Perryville Junction (historical) - Pershino

Pershino - Perstenki Vtoryye

Perstenki - Peruanito

Peruanos - Pervari

Pervari - Pervomayskiy

Pervomayskiy - Pervoye Maya

Pervoye Maya - Pesalakan

Pesalakan - Peschanaya

Peschanaya - Peshakovo

Peshal - Peskarka

Peskarous - Peski

Peski - Pesquero

Pesquero - Pesula

Pesungan - Petambarpur

Petamboeran - Pete Hills

Pete Hode - Peter Creek

Peter Creek - Petermans Basin

Petermans Station (historical) - Peters Rock Park

Peters Rock School (historical) - Petersholm

Petersholz - Peterson Ranch

Peterson Ranch - Petibadagama

Petibol - Petit Jean Mountain

Petit Jean Park Airport - Petite Etaquerel

Petite Exuma - Petlane

Petlapixca - Petranit

Petranka - Petrinovaca

Petrinovici - Petropavlovka

Petropavlovka - Petrovac

Petrovac - Petrovka

Petrovka - Petrovskoye

Petrovskoye - Petsmo Petajanmaa

Petsmo - Petty Cemetery

Petty Cemetery - Petzendorf

Petzendorf - Pevitot Gully

Pevk - Peyrolles

Peyrolles - Peñuelas

Pfaben - Pfarrwald

Pfarrwald - Pfyn

PG and E Recreation Site - PGE Service Center Airstrip

Ph'av - Phadisana

Phadivinwe - Phanom Ko Sway

Phanom Kui - Phayam

Phayanasu - Phepane

Phepane - Philadelphia Church

Philadelphia Church - Philippi

Philippiada - Phillips Cemetery

Phillips Cemetery - Phillips Post Office (historical)

Phillips Post Office (historical) - Phinney Mine

Phinney Point - Phnom Lek

Phnom Lia - Phnum Chrul Lvea

Phnum Chruos Phnum - Phnum Prech

Phnum Prech - Pho Ta Cang

Pho Tabou - Pholo's Drift

Pholofolo - Phou Dang

Phou Dang - Phou Kaum

Phou Kavak - Phou Lone

Phou Lone - Phou Nokkok

Phou Nokkok - Phou Sak Noy

Phou Sak - Phou Tonggna

Phou Tongmong - Phu Co

Phu Co - Phu Kum Khao

Phu Kum Khao - Phu Nong Heo

Phu Nong Houi - Phu Thok Mak Huk

Phu Thok Noi - Phuldubi

Phuldungsei - Phum Chantol

Phum Chaok - Phum Khvao

Phum Khvao - Phum Phnom Sampou

Phum Phnom Srok - Phum Samrong

Phum Samrong - Phum Tippeday

Phum Tlok Andong - Phumi Angk Kroch

Phumi Angk Neareay - Phumi Bar Cham

Phumi Bar Ku - Phumi Chang Hab (2)

Phumi Chang Hap - Phumi Chrouy Neang Nuon

Phumi Chrouy Pros - Phumi Kamchay Mea

Phumi Kamlang - Phumi Kaoh Pralung

Phumi Kaoh Pratreal - Phumi Kien Sang

Phumi Kien Sangke - Phumi Kranh Veng

Phumi Kranhung - Phumi Nikom Khmer Leu

Phumi Nikomph Preah Soramrit - Phumi Pongro (1)

Phumi Pongro (2) - Phumi Prek Pralung

Phumi Prek Pranak - Phumi Pring Chrum

Phumi Pring Chu - Phumi Sala Dambang

Phumi Sala Kakaoh - Phumi Snuol

Phumi Snuol - Phumi Svay Romiet

Phumi Svay Rumpea - Phumi Tbeng Chrum

Phumi Tbeng Khpuos - Phumi Tonloab

Phumi Tonloab - Phumi Treang Trea

Phumi Treang - Phungwe

Phungwe - Phyllis Cemetery

Phyllis E Williams Academic Center - Phyuor Chruk

Pi Ambaru - Piadeh Rah

Piadeh Rah - Piano

Piano - Piato Vaya

Piato - Pic de Calmeille

Pic de Calmellas - Pic Negre

Pic Nethe - Picarabawan

Picaranha - Pichikovo

Pichil - Pickens Cemetery

Pickens Cemetery - Pickett Bay

Pickett Branch - Picnic Lake

Picnic Lakes - Pico de Salamanca

Pico de San Carlos - Pico Platillon

Pico Platillon - Picuris Mountains

Picuris Peak - Pie di Cavallo

Pie Face Mine - Piedra Amarilla

Piedra Amarilla - Piedra Iman

Piedra Iman - Piedras Gordas

Piedras Gordas - Pielisensuu

Pielisjarvi - Pieplant Mine

Pieptani - Pierce Beach

Pierce Bend - Pierce Waterhole

Pierce Well - Pierreville

Pierreville - Pieterskraalrivier

Pietersrivier - Pifanaj

Pifane - Pigeon Creek

Pigeon Creek - Pigeonroost Fork

Pigeonroost Fork - Piherar

Piherarh - Piji

Piji-jae - Pike County Primary School

Pike County School for Child Advancement - Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak - Pikopiko Stream

Pikoto Island - Pilanesberg

Pilang 2 - Pilawa

Pilawa - Pilgrim Baptist Church

Pilgrim Baptist Church - Pilgrim Rest Church

Pilgrim Rest Church - Piliki

Piliki - Pillar Rock Lower Range

Pillar Rock Lower Range - Pilot Butte Cemetery

Pilot Butte Dam Number 1 - Pilot Well

Pilot Well - Pimbi

Pimbi - Pin Peak

Pin Peak - Pinal Dulce

Pinal Dusters Airstrip - Pinardere

Pinardere - Pincombe Shoal

Pincon - Pindor

Pindorah - Pine Bush School (historical)

Pine Bush Senior High School - Pine Creek Wash

Pine Creek Wash - Pine Flat Access Area

Pine Flat Baptist Church - Pine Grove Cemetery

Pine Grove Cemetery - Pine Grove Post Office (historical)

Pine Grove Post Office (historical) - Pine Hill Cemetery

Pine Hill Cemetery - Pine Hills School Cemetery

Pine Hills School for Boys - Pine Knot Branch

Pine Knot Cemetery - Pine Log Mountain Wildlife Management Area

Pine Log Mountain - Pine Plains

Pine Plains - Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge - Pine Springs Creek

Pine Springs Dam Number One D-0560 - Pine Vale Church

Pine Vale School (historical) - Pinecroft Golf Plantation

Pinecroft - Pinellas County Police Screening Services

Pinellas County Schools Police Department - Pineview

Pineview - Piney Creek

Piney Creek - Piney Knob

Piney Knob - Ping Ping Point

Ping Point - Pingelly

Pingelshagen - Pinglin

Pinglin - Pingtou

Pingtou - Pinheiro de Azere

Pinheiro de Baixo - Pink Creek

Pink Creek - Pinnacle Hill

Pinnacle Hill - Pinnowhof

Pinnpal - Pinsha Cerro

Pinshacocha - Pinto

Pinto - Pioche Phenix Mine

Pioche Post Office - Pioneer Lake

Pioneer Lake - Pioneer

Pioneer - Pipahe

Pipahegy - Piper Hollow

Piper Hollow - Piplockenburg

Piplod - Pir Bakhshwala

Pir Bakhshwala - Pir Morad

Pir Morad - Pirabat

Pirabba - Pirapama

Pirapama - Pireahmet

Pireaumont - Pirikan 2

Pirikan Dua - Pirkwiesen

Pirl Post Office (historical) - Pirsaat Su Anbari

Pirsaat - Pirwashay

Pirxana - Pisarevka

Pisarevka - Pisgah Chapel (historical)

Pisgah Chapel - Pishekabad

Pishel Creek - Piskova

Piskovac - Pistavolgytanya

Piste des Cretes - Pita Windmill

Pita - Pitcairn Assembly of God Church

Pitcairn Borough Hall - Pitin

Pitin - Pito

Pito - Pitou Guojhong

Pitou Guosiao - Pittock Brook

Pittock Mansion and Acres - Pittumudiyawa

Pittville - Pivnica

Pivnice Odzacke - Piza

Piza - Pi�ao, Chalan

PJ Lake - Pjuskisen

PK Creek - Pkurengell

Pl 566 Dam Number Four - Placetas

Placetas - Plaiesii-de-Sus

Plaigne - Plaine Magnien

Plaine Mantchoue - Plainview Post Office (historical)

Plainview Post Office - Plakpak

Plakred - Plan Parejo

Plan Pro - Planell Gran

Planell Gran - Plank Creek

Plank Creek - Plantation Center Shopping Center

Plantation Center Shopping Plaza - Plas-Llanrhydd

Plasa 2 - Platanales

Platanales - Plateau Creek

Plateau Creek - Platerow

Platerow - Platkop

Platkop - Platt Park

Platt Pens - Platvitz

Platvlak - Playa Balcones

Playa Ballena - Playa de Levittown

Playa de Licona - Playa Gaviotas

Playa Gaviotas - Playa Negra

Playa Negra - Playia

Playia - Plaza Post Office

Plaza Pradera Shopping Center - Pleasant Forest Cemetery

Pleasant Forest Presbyterian Church (historical) - Pleasant Grove Cemetery

Pleasant Grove Cemetery - Pleasant Grove Church

Pleasant Grove Church - Pleasant Hall

Pleasant Harbor State Marine Park - Pleasant Hill Church (historical)

Pleasant Hill Church (historical) - Pleasant Hill Church

Pleasant Hill Church - Pleasant Hill School

Pleasant Hill School - Pleasant Lawn School

Pleasant Lawn School - Pleasant Ridge Cemetery

Pleasant Ridge Cemetery - Pleasant Run Golf Club

Pleasant Run Methodist Church - Pleasant Valley Church

Pleasant Valley Church - Pleasant Valley School (historical)

Pleasant Valley School (historical) - Pleasant View Baptist School

Pleasant View Canal - Pleasant View School (historical)

Pleasant View School (historical) - Pleasure Valley

Pleasure Woods Branch - Plei Lung Pang

Plei M"Lon - Plemieta

Plemina Stijena - Plesnitsa

Plesnka - Pleystowe

Pleyto (historical) - Pljevski Podovi

Pljevski Potok - Plompetoren

Plompong - Ploso Kulon

Ploso Kulon - Plotnikova

Plotnikova - Pluherlin

Pluhuv Zd'ar - Plum Grove School (historical)

Plum Grove School (historical) - Plumbush Creek

Plumbush - Pluscia

Pluscias - Plymouth Reservoir

Plymouth Reservoir - Plzensky Kraj

PM Odd Fellows Park - Pmougou

PN Grazing Association Number 1 Dam - Pnyuv

Po Aung - Poabelyay

Poabelyay - Poblacion de Suso

Poblacion de Valdivielso - Pocahontas Baptist Church

Pocahontas Baptist Church - Pochet

Pochet - Pocivalo

Pocivalo - Pocomanta

Pocomate Springs - Podagi

Podago - Poddub'ye

Poddub'ye - Podgornaya

Podgornaya - Podi

Podi - Podlanisce

Podlapac - Podmila

Podmilacje - Podorski Lake Dam

Podorugla - Podsobnoye Khozyaystvo Aleyenok

Podsobnoye Khozyaystvo Anikino - Podur

Podura-ri - Poe School

Poe School - Poelau Kajoepanggang

Poelau Kajoera - Poelau Sailoes-besar

Poelau Sailoes-ketjil - Poenegara

Poenele Oancei - Pogany-patak

Pogany-sziget - Pogledi

Pogledi - Pogorzyce

Pogorzyce - Pogusch

Pogusil - Pohjola

Pohjola - Poi

Poi - Poindexters

Poindi - Point Cole

Point Collie - Point Isabel

Point Isabel - Point of Avelshay

Point of Ayr - Point Reservoir

Point Resistance - Point

Point - Pointe Bellacaty

Pointe Bellangsang - Pointe de Cam Linh

Pointe de Cam Ranh - Pointe de Lugo Niello

Pointe de Lugo - Pointe des Viellies

Pointe Desgras - Pointe Fer-a-Cheval

Pointe Ferret - Pointe Lotolekiya

Pointe Lotorre - Pointe Pages

Pointe Pagode - Pointe Sud

Pointe Sud - Poipun

Poira di Dentro - Poiyai

Poiyodolival - Pok-tong

Pok-tong - Pokhortse

Pokhortsy - Pokoundougou

Pokounie - Pokrovskiy Rudnik

Pokrovskiy Urustamak - Pokusagyr

Pokusenka - Pola

Pola - Polaris Dam

Polaris Ditch - Polder den Grooten Blok

Polder den Hoek - Poldoma

Poldomasovo - Pole Island

Pole Island - Polen

Polena - Polezhayev

Polezhayevka - Polignano

Poligne - Politseyskiy post Kurudere

Politseyskiy post Kyuchyuk-Dzhirdzhip - Poljetnica

Poljica Kozicka - Polkhet'is Nakrdzali

Polkhini - Pollet Bay

Pollet - Pollywog Lake Dam

Pollywog Lake Trail - Polomar Observatory

Polomarci - Polovinnyy Log

Polovinnyy - Poltavskiy

Poltavskiy - Poluostrov Mikhaylova

Poluostrov Minina - Polvitz

Polvitz-Neuemuhle - Polycrops

Polydendro - Pomary

Pomary - Pometenik

Pometenik - Pomona Ranch

Pomona Road Post Office (historical) - Pompton

Pompu - Ponca Indian Agency

Ponca Indian Cemetery - Pond Creek Municipal Airport

Pond Creek Park - Pond Spring

Pond Spring - Pondok 17

Pondok 17 - Pondok Sumber Rejo

Pondok Sumbersari - Pondokranggon

Pondokranggon - Pongakawa River

Pongakawa Stream - Ponggong-ni

Ponggong-ni - Pongmyong-sa

Pongmyong-san - Pongson-sa

Pongsong - Ponjae

Ponjae-soryuji - Ponowareng

Ponowi - Ponta Abebupa

Ponta Abril - Ponta da Ceieira

Ponta da Cerouta - Ponta de Nossa Senhora

Ponta de Olinda - Ponta do Navio

Ponta do Ninho do Guincho - Ponta Inhamiara

Ponta Inhamunaze - Ponta Poli

Ponta Ponate - Ponte Bella

Ponte Blaize - Pontianak Road

Pontianak - Pony Creek

Pony Creek - Pool Run

Pool School (historical) - Poor Man Creek

Poor Man Diggings (historical) - Popabri

Popad'ino - Popel

Popel - Popino

Popinovo - Poplar Grove School (historical)

Poplar Grove School (historical) - Poplar Springs Baptist Church

Poplar Springs Baptist Church - Popoli

Popoli - Popovice

Popovice - Popovtse

Popovtse - Popsong-sa

Popsong-sa - Porano

Poranpur - Porcupine Park

Porcupine Pass - Pori-gol

Pori-gol - Porociani-poshtera

Poroco - Poros Potamos

Poros Rema - Pors-an-Place

Pors-gall - Port Botany

Port Bougard - Port Deposit School

Port Deposit - Port Jackson Bay

Port Jackson Cemetery - Port O'Connor Volunteer Fire Department

Port O'Connor - Port Salerno-Hobe Sound Division (inactive)

Port Salina Chica - Port-Laguerre

Port-Launay - Portail la Gosseline

Portail Leogane - Porter Branch

Porter Branch - Porter Ranch

Porter Ranch - Porteshult

Portessie - Portezuelo Lago Hermoso

Portezuelo Laguna Campana - Portillo de los Vinos

Portillo de Mulas - Portland Plaza

Portland Point - Porto Curupai

Porto Cyriaco - Porto Grande

Porto Graulo - Porto Vila Nova

Porto Viro - Portugese Springs

Portugetsrivier - Porvenir

Porvenir - Posedovo

Posedra - Poselok Petrovskogo

Poselok Petrovskogo - Posh-Gort

Posha - Poshteh

Poshteh - Poshteh-ye Zarzeghand

Poshteh-ye Zawarah - Posok-sa

Posok-sa - Possum Ridge

Possum Run Creek - Post Oak School

Post Oak Shade Church - Posteno Brdo

Postens Lake (historical) - Poswietne

Poswietne - Potamos

Potamos - Potato Hill

Potato Hill - Potelino

Potelitsa - Potipalovo

Potira - Potoicha

Potoinchon - Potosi Mountain

Potosi Mountain - Potrerito

Potrerito - Potrero Seco Guard Station (historical)

Potrero Seco Rustic Campsite - Potsil'nya

Potsilahti - Potter Station Fire District 13

Potter Station - Pottstown Community Camp

Pottstown Junior High School - Pouca Conta

Pouca Farinha - Poulin Brook

Poulina - Pounta tou Kavou

Pounta - Pouyanga

Pouyastruc - Povo Cunga

Povo de Baixo - Powder Mill Pond Dam

Powder Mill Pond Dam - Powell Creek

Powell Creek - Powells Pond

Powells Post Office (historical) - Powers Lane

Powers Marine Park - Poyang Hu

Poyang Lake - Pozajscie

Pozal de Gallinas - Pozijiao Qiao

Pozijiao - Pozo del Gato

Pozo del Gaucho - Pozo Verde Mount

Pozo Verde Mountain - Pūlehu Iki-Kamekame Iki Homesteads

Ppae-gol - Ppyojuk-san

PQ-Lafayette Hill Heliport - PQ-Lafayette Hill Heliport

PR 40 Reservoir - Prado

Prado - Praia da Tapera

Praia da Tijuca - Praia

Praia - Prairie Creek

Prairie Creek - Prairie Hill

Prairie Hill - Prairie School

Prairie School - Praise Cathedral International

Praise Cathedral - Prang Chawda

Prang Chawdah - Prasiste

Prasiva - Prater Branch

Prater Canyon - Pratt School (historical)

Pratt School (historical) - Pravetin

Pravetinska Lada - Prazeiro

Prazer da Vida - Prechistoye

Prechistoye - Predvaganac

Predvor - Prek Ankam

Prek Ankom - Prek Paprac

Prek Paprak - Prelesje

Prelesne - Prentiss Baptist Church

Prentiss Bar - Presa de Nieves

Presa de Parral - Presailles

Presakiri - Prescott Mill

Prescott Mountain - Presidents Plaza Shopping Center

Presidents Residence - Presqu'ile d'Al Munastir

Presqu'ile de Banana - Prestlaneset

Prestle Creek - Prestvallen Fabod

Prestvatn - Preux-au-Sart

Prevacina - Pri Haji

Pri Jezeru - Price Cemetery

Price Cemetery - Pricetown Post Office (historical)

Pricetown Post Office (historical) - Priedes

Priedesgals - Prigi

Prigi - Prilepska Reka

Prilepska Strana - Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Westwood Lake

Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana - Primrose

Primrose - Prince Olaf Rocks

Prince Olav Harbor - Princeton Presbyterian Church

Princeton Presbyterian Church - Pringwuluh

Pringwulung - Pripcici

Pripcici - Prisoje

Prisoje - Pristan' Popov-Navolok

Pristan' Popova - Pritt Hollow

Pritter - Priyemnyy

Priyenay - Prochest'

Procheva - Profanity Ridge

Profanity Tank - Progreso

Progreso - Prokhladnaya

Prokhladnaya - Proletarskaya

Proletarskaya - Proliv Vol'ostrovskaya Salma

Proliv Voosi-Kurk - Prongobe

Prongobi - Prosec pod Kremesnikem

Prosec u Posne - Prospect Church

Prospect Church - Prospect Number 1 Dam

Prospect Number 1 Reservoir - Prosperity Cemetery

Prosperity Cemetery - Protestant Reformed Church

Protestant Reformed Mission - Protoka Stepanova

Protoka Stretenskaya - Providence Baptist Church (historical)

Providence Baptist Church (historical) - Providence Church

Providence Church - Providencia de Abajo

Providencia de Cabrales - Province of Alberta

Province of Antique - Provincia de Monte Cristi

Provincia de Monte Cristy - Provo Town Square

Provo United Pentacostal Church - Prud Dumble

Prud Filimoshka - Prudy

Prudy - Prusheni

Prushi - Pryor Branch

Pryor Branch - Przhevozniki

Przice - Przyzorz

PS A Water Well - Pszowskie Doly

Pt Bunga - Ptysh

Pu Ara - Pu-ti

Pu-ti - Pubelo Nuevo

Pubenza - Public School 245

Public School 246 - Public School-Intermediate School 89

Public School/Intermediate School 176 - Pucapuca

Pucapuca - Puchnino

Pucho - Pucupuro

Pucuq - Pudozhskiy Rayon

Pudpoloz'ye - Pueblo Libre

Pueblo Libre - Pueblo Rico

Pueblo Rincon de Tamayo - Puente Cochayoc

Puente Cochea - Puente

Puente - Puertecito

Puertecito - Puerto Canoa

Puerto Canoa - Puerto de Garachico

Puerto de Garraf - Puerto del Cano

Puerto del Cardal - Puerto Gordo

Puerto Goya - Puerto Manu

Puerto Many-branch - Puerto Pikyry

Puerto Pilcomayo - Puerto Santa Gertrudis

Puerto Santa Gertrudis - Puesto Achiyoma Llaiqui

Puesto Adolfo - Puesto de Luna

Puesto de Mayo - Puesto Grande

Puesto Grande - Puesto Linda Vista

Puesto Llave - Puesto San Antonio

Puesto San Antonio - Pug Pond

Pug Swamp - Pugong-ni

Pugong-ni - Puhung

Puhung - Puiuletesti

Puive Creek - Pukas

Pukasanta Village - Pukhura

Pukhuria Sialkol - Pul Bajuan

Pul Bajwa - Pulaski Middle School

Pulaski Mine - Pulau Batik Laut

Pulau Batik - Pulau Che Mat Zin

Pulau Che Selamah - Pulau Haru

Pulau Haruku - Pulau Kelor

Pulau Kelor - Pulau Lima Kechil

Pulau Lima - Pulau Midai

Pulau Middelburg - Pulau Panjang

Pulau Panjang - Pulau Rengis

Pulau Rengit - Pulau Seraja

Pulau Seraja-besar - Pulau Tegipil

Pulau Tegipil - Pulau Utaina

Pulau Utan - Pulausialang

Pulausialang - Pulgwang-sa

Pulgwang-sa - Pullen Creek

Pullen Field - Pulo Kulon

Pulo Kuning - Puloli West

Puloli - Pultang

Pultang - Pumacocha

Pumacocha - Pumphouse Creek

Pumphouse Ditch - Pun'gye-ri

Pun'kin Ridge School (historical) - Punch'ono-ri

Punch'onsa-ri - Punduklii

Punduksari - Pungo

Pungo - Punmalun Plantation

Punme-do - Punta Alligator

Punta allo Gallicaccia - Punta Baja

Punta Baja - Punta Borrero

Punta Borton - Punta Camposanto

Punta Camuri Grande - Punta Chacon

Punta Chacopata - Punta Contra Grossa

Punta Contrabando - Punta de Bonanza

Punta de Bongo - Punta de la Rancheria

Punta de la Rella - Punta de Piedras Primera

Punta de Piedras Primero - Punta del Cuerno

Punta del Cuervo - Punta della Cucca

Punta della Dogana - Punta El Lagio

Punta El Lance - Punta Felix

Punta Felton - Punta Gorda

Punta Gorda - Punta Huechucucui

Punta Huechucuicui - Punta La Cruz

Punta La Cruz - Punta Leon

Punta Leona - Punta Mala

Punta Mala - Punta Misperal

Punta Missoggio - Punta Norte

Punta Norte - Punta Pena Blanca

Punta Pena de Tierra - Punta Portogandi

Punta Portugal - Punta Roiba

Punta Roig - Punta Sant' Anna

Punta Sant' Antonio - Punta Tambulinero

Punta Tames - Punta Verdicocho

Punta Verdugo - Puntbeek

Puntberg - Punyard Creek

Punyard Point - Puppy Hollow

Puppy Lake - Purana Saidabad

Purana Sewa - Purbosono

Purbosono - Pureparo de Echaiz

Purepero - Purisima

Purisima - Purola Lake Dam

Purola Lake - Puruni

Puruni - Purworejo

Purworejo - Push Zhawar

Push'ya - Pushti Kal't

Pushti-Alu - Pusta Grajciar

Pusta Hatiny - Pusta-i-Tangi Syah

Pusta-i-Tangisak - Pustoshka

Pustoshka - Pusztaordogfalva

Pusztaottlaka - Putcamayo

Putcan - Putjukalue 1

Putjukangasan - Putnini

Putnini - Putuk Lor

Putuk Te - Puu Olai

Puu Olai - Puy de la Grousse

Puy de la Nugere - Puyyas

Puz Barij - Puziling Linchang

Puziling - Pu‘u‘ula‘ula

Pu‘u‘ula‘ula - Puāuāomahana

Pveselenci - Pvotin'to

PW - 2 Mine - PWV

Py Lao - Pyatnitskoye

Pyatnitskoye - Pyhatunturi

Pyhatunturi - Pylvaskiy Rayon

Pylyai - Pyongp'ung-san

Pyongp'ung-san - Pyramid Rock

Pyramid Rock - Pyuerittyaya

Pyugale Chaung - Pyzzapyaya

PZ Ranch - Pzhystaynya

Nombres Geográficos Mundiales por Orden Alfabético



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